Discover the ultimate shopping companion with Clube Gentil, which transforms your shopping experience by offering an array of enticing discounts, promotions, and rewards. As a savvy shopper, you'll find this app to be your essential tool for accessing a world of exclusive offers tailor-made to suit your preferences.
Unlock access to a wealth of personalized promotions with just a tap. From daily deals that offer unbeatable prices on everyday products to digital scratch cards that could reveal incredible prizes—the excitement of shopping is now at your fingertips. Engage with the 'Sweepstakes' feature, offering you the chance to enter various campaigns and potentially walk away with substantial rewards.
This platform enhances your supermarket visits by providing CashBack on identified purchases, allowing you to accumulate balance within the platform. This balance can be conveniently applied to future transactions, ensuring continuous savings on your shopping trips. Stay alert for special discount coupons available, amplifying your opportunity to save while shopping.
With the 'Promotions' section, you'll encounter a smart list recommending items closely aligned with your shopping patterns, as well as access to exclusive sale items. Moreover, you can curate a list of your favorite products and receive notifications of their sale status, ensuring you never miss a deal on the items you love.
Environmentally conscious consumers will appreciate the digital tabloid, eliminating the need for paper while providing a comprehensive roundup of products with exceptional discounts.
Your voice matters, so this venue hosts a 'Talk to Us' feature, inviting you to share feedback, offer suggestions, or participate in satisfaction surveys, contributing to a shopping experience that's shaped around your needs and preferences.
Embrace a smarter way to shop with Clube Gentil, where personalized savings and exciting rewards are just a download away, redefining the way you approach supermarket savings and deals.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.1 or higher required
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